Best 50 defense clans on CTF maps

Rank Pts Scored Pts Against Rounds Played Clan
1 63.57 16.25 204 KiN - Kindred
2 118.21 21.82 66 US - U Suck!
3 34.79 23.35 57 HATE - Hate_Inc
4 44.71 24.34 68 100k.d.l. - 100k.devil.legion
5 61.21 25.19 52 eO - Eradication Order
6 65.40 29.24 145 CE - Clan Erinyes
7 56.34 29.71 77 CA - Cogent Alliance
8 65.47 30.09 55 sXe - Straight Edge
9 43.64 30.68 116 BC - Bone Collectors
10 65.34 31.16 494 SD - San Dawgs
11 66.99 31.41 116 aO - apocalyptic Order
12 61.92 31.84 196 HoS - Harvesters of Sorrow
13 55.60 31.86 77 |2 - |2enegades of Funk
14 69.18 32.17 142 $s - Money Shot
15 65.21 32.19 185 vQc - V?t?rans du Qu?bec
16 66.51 32.82 233 E - The Elite
17 58.70 33.68 77 4H - 4Horsemen
18 72.92 33.70 107 Jell-() - The Jell-O Shooters
19 42.84 33.72 294 RiCE - RiCE
20 53.97 34.05 148 e - Endgame
21 52.30 34.35 77 MoA - Matter of Attitude
22 60.71 34.64 140 bP - Black Plague
23 42.59 34.66 90 dEr - dEr dEr dEr
24 86.22 34.67 55 CB - Crimson Blade
25 64.59 34.75 212 ae - Absolute Eminence
26 66.41 34.81 167 DR - Divine Retribution
27 47.84 34.93 82 pX-SFD - pX-SFD
28 48.31 35.20 70 AF - Allied Forces
29 55.58 35.62 211 SC - Shadow Company
30 62.79 35.64 146 Ai - Aiming Impaired
31 37.00 35.75 72 uE - upper Echelon
32 65.31 35.83 171 dB4d - Death Before Dishonor
33 78.74 36.26 53 team | - team |
34 54.21 36.28 455 CNBL - Clan Cannibal
35 53.02 36.45 217 KoD - Knights Of Death
36 64.28 36.56 238 CS - Corpse Squadron
37 60.27 36.59 113 A~ - Adrenaline
38 63.28 36.69 58 uA - The Unholy Army
39 38.72 36.93 61 TT - Triple Triad
40 49.24 37.04 140 6S - The Sixth Sense
41 61.13 37.13 53 [M][M] - Mothers of Mayhem
42 48.99 37.33 97 THD - Total Harmonic Destruction
43 88.23 37.49 321 Zt. - Zero Tolerance
44 57.85 37.51 457 KAR - Klan Karnij
45 58.44 37.73 95 SvN - The Sovereign
46 47.28 37.77 74 mimic - Mimic
47 109.87 37.89 110 AR - Agression Rangers
48 54.76 37.98 177 CrUnK - CrUnK
49 58.33 38.31 96 CF - Crimson Fist
50 53.27 38.64 736 |{ - The Kollektiv

* A clan needs to have played at least 50 rounds to appear on this list.

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